
The Femail Project

The Femail project is a group exhibition exploring contemporary feminism on a Global scale.

The Femail Project

The Femail project is a group exhibition exploring contemporary feminism on a Global scale.
Curator, Emma Leppington, created an international open call aimed at women artists and Feminist artists from around the world to send a copy of their work to the project. The work had to explore such ideas as the woman, Feminism, and the role and stance of women today.
The work also had to have been made since the year 2000.

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100 video artists

100 Video Artists - Video Art event in collaboration with Magmart Video under Volcano.

100 Video Artists to tell a Century, Screening in London

100 Video Artists are here to celebrate 50 Years of Video art in 2013. Magmart/video under vulcano is organizing this video art project titled: 100×100=900 (100 video artists to tell a century). One hundred video artists, from around the world, have been asked to create a video that represents one year in 20th Century. The curators assigned one year of the 1900 to each artist at random.
Through a network of collaborations, the project will be screened globally in 2013, across multiple international platforms.

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Liquid Image

Liquid Image Video Art exhibition, a collaboration between Visualcontainer and University of Oradea

LIQUID IMAGE, Videoart Event

from 16th to 17th MAY 2013
Oradea, Romania
Curator: Gabriela Diana Gavrilaş

in collaboration with:
Universitatea Oradea, Facultatea de Arte, Departamentul de Arte Vizuale
Muzeul Tarii Crisurilor
Asociatia Culturala Conflux
Visualcontainer, Milan

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Inquietudine - Video Art Event curated by Giovanni Viceconte on


Inquetudine Video Art event.

Inquietudine – Selection by Giovanni Viceconte

This week we will have on show 2video Inquietudine hosted on the online magazine, and curatorial platform. 2video is a weekly exhibition that presents two video art pieces put together by video artists from all around the world. This week we are featuring “Cyanide” by Barbara Agreste and “Still Alive” by Cristina Pavesi.

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100x100+900 (Video Art) This artwork is about 1919, it is a pictures book with many photographs, and films of that time.

100 videoartists to tell a century

Human life passes through two fundamental seasons, youthfulness and adulthood. We become what we have been. This is true for individuals, as well as communities.

The american videoartist Bill Viola said that: “The digital era will overwhelm us, as it happened with the industrial revolution. And I am not talking about technological changes, such as the internet, Twitter or in art. The changes will hit all of life: from politics to science, from medicine to culture. Will change our way of life. The role of artists will be even more relevant. Our vision will communicate knowledge and compassion.”

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Vote Art Cultural art movement

A drawing by Barbara Agreste from the exhibition "Vote Art" held at CAM Museum of Contemporary Art.


Opening: Sunday
February 24, 2013
at 6pm
CAM Casoria Contemporary Art Museum


curated by Antonio Manfredi

Take part to the selection of the election symbol, program, slogan and advert of the Movement of the world of Art and Culture VOTE ART_ Cultural Art Movement.
A symbol (graphic design or digital), a program (140 spaces max), a slogan (40 spaces max) and, on discretion of the participants, a video (30 sec. max, to post on Youtube), can be posted either on the Facebook page about Vote Art especially created for the occasion, or on Twitter @MuseoCAMCasoria or sent by e-mail at .

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MACRO Museum: digital audiovisions


Video Art Event held at MACRO Museum, curated by: Lino Strangis, Veronica D'Auria, Giovanni Viceconte.

MACRO Museum of contemporary Art of Rome presents:

“digital audiovisions, video and artistic research today”

18 -19 January 2013

Curated by: Lino Strangis, Veronica D’Auria, Giovanni Viceconte.

The perfect opportunity to experience the best video art at MACRO Museum, from the international art scene, with an eye close to the Italian productions. Organized by CARMA – Center for Applied Multimedia Art and Research, in collaboration with Art-Hub UnDo.Net, the screening will take place in the prestigious museum’s cinema, and debates will alternate to presentations and screenings.

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On Videos for hours and hours

On Videos For Hours And Hours, special video art and new media screening, international artists.

 ON VIDEOS for hours and hours

Curated by: VisualContainer
A idea of: Giancarlo Sciascia
Arte Boccanera Gallery, Trento, Italy
25 february – 3 march 2012

ON VIDEOS for hours and hours

A day dedicated to the actual trends of national and international videoart.With screenings from a compilation about the identity of the present-day video languages and times of conversation with the curators.

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Women’s glance

Women Glance a Video Art exhibition, screening of Video Art by women, 12 videos on show.

Women’s glance

On next november 25-29, at P.A.N. (Palazzo delle Arti Napoli)


Magmart festival, in collaboration with the collective ‘Urto!’ presents: Women’s glance, screening of videoart by women, curated by Enrico Tomaselli 12 videoartists, from Italy and other countries, show 12 videos:

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Metamorphose is a Contemporary Art Exhibition, the art world is quickly being transformed by a new media generation


South Haven Center for the Arts

600 Phoenix Street
South Haven, Michigan, USA
30 September  13 November 2011
Curated by Melissa Warner-Talcott


We are presently in the midst of an artistic uprising. The Metamorphose exhibition speaks for itself when conveying that the art world is quickly being transformed by a new media generation. The digital world is taking form and moving rapidly by way of computer, television, radio, phone and the Internet. Continue reading

Italian Container

Italian Container, Art exhibition - The emerging Italian video art comes to Yerevan project.


Italian Container

ACCEA Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art, Yerevan

A one-day-event Italian Container: the emerging Italian video art comes to Yerevan project. The event is curated by Carolina Lio, the currently curator-in-residence at ACOSS Cultural NGO in Yerevan, and supported by European Cultural Foundation of Amsterdam and the Open Society Institute of the Soros Foundation in New York through ‘Step Beyond’ travel grant. A sequence of fourteen videos will be screened during the evening.

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spine flowers series

nigredo series

Blood series